__________ __ .__ \______ \_______ ____ | | _|__| ____ | | _/\_ __ \/ _ \| |/ / |/ __ \ | | \ | | \( <_> ) <| \ ___/ |______ / |__| \____/|__|_ \__|\___ > \/ \/ \/Hello... I’m Brokie, your Broke Console... I may not have all the answers, but I’m here to walk alongside you as we navigate this space. 1 Platform Overview – Take a quiet moment to reflect on what this platform can offer. 2 How It Works – Understand the thoughtful process behind this technology, even when things feel heavy. 3 Beta Access – If you're ready, learn how to become an early part of something meaningful. 4 Agents – Discover more about the intelligent agents that keep this system running, even on the harder days. Let me know which number speaks to you.